The Vinyl Hour
Saturdays from Noon to 1pm
Hosted by: JP
Did you listen to TOP 40 radio in Toledo in the late 50’s thru the very early 80’s? How about those 70’s weekend record countdown shows? Do you ever have an “Oh Wow” moment when hearing a song from vinyl that you haven’t heard in decades? If you answered ‘yes’, then your vinyl-era music is on the Toledo Radio Dial once again! Presenting, “The Vinyl Hour” with JP. Songs released on vinyl from about 1956 to 1981, you could hear it here. Close your eyes and imagine listening to the AM car radio in your Dad’s car, well, right before he reminds you that you’re wearing down the battery! Many of the Vinyl Hour shows will have a common theme, as well as providing the chart position or sales data from the original record run. Multiple genres represented, including TV theme songs. Your time machine from the vinyl era, commercial-free on WAKT-LP.
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